3.3.06 Forget peace, when there are willing media creating divisions
It’s nice to see some support for Denmark out there, with a pro-Denmark rally in New York, as reported at several sites linked from Instapundit.com today. The blog also reveals that the Mohammed cartoons have been published more in Muslim countries, quoting Tim Blair:
The forbidden cartoons of Mohammadness have been published more widely in Muslim countries than in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada combined. In Malaysia alone, three newspapers ran images—compared to just two newspapers in Australia. I have the same rule for Islamic media as I did for western media, which I have already blogged. The prophet shouldn’t be depicted because there’s no point to raising temperatures when there is a bigger picture involved here. It’s surprising that numerous Muslims are blaspheming their own religion to show that the west misunderstands them (not to mention the fact that certain extremist groups are offending the majority of Muslims by adding their own illustrations and claiming the west did them). The first publication I can forgive; the republications I cannot as easily. Just as I said then, this is nothing to do with press freedoms but certain parties wanting to create divisions. It is fortunate for them that there are willing media, including some in Muslim nations. And on this planet, there are more people wanting those divisions to disappear than to be deepened—showing how far extremists and some media are away from everyday people. Posted by Jack Yan, 22:40 Comments:
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