24.5.07 Eurologo time
I do not always entertain requests for links that come via this site, but there have been a few worth it. One was from Barbara Rogoski at Authentic Matters, whom is now linked from my blog roll in the right-hand column. The second has come from Areti Maniati, who is one of the folks running the European Logo Design Annual (www.eulda.com), encouraging entries in the last four to five days of the competition. My friend and colleague Rex Turnbull is among the supporters of this venture through his magazine Lino, which was what clinched it.
From Areti’s blurb: Eulda is a top-level logo design annual. Eulda is the only award scheme in the world endorsed by more than 65 design associations. The winners are selected by an international three-tier jury consisting of 10 top design professionals, 10 marketing managers from major international clients and finally 10 members of the public (provided respectively by the worl[d]wide established organizations BEDA, Aquent and Consumers International). This innovative judging mechanism reflects the actual process that turns any logo idea into a successful logo: the designers decide what to present to the clients, the clients decide what to present to the public, but in the end it is always the public that decides if a brand is successful. The core of excellence generated by this process is collated in a printed annual, rewarding the best designers and the best clients, and creating an archive that tracks the evolution of tastes, styles and trends in Europe, year after year. I’m going to watch who wins this with some interest. Posted by Jack Yan, 10:01 Comments:
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