6.4.07 Design Can Change
Can designers help with climate change and sustainability? The folks at SmashLab think so, and I think they are right, with their Design Can Change initiative. Read more about the idea at their blog, or grab their PDF outlining their ideas.
Posted by Jack Yan, 12:41
Happy Easter my friend! Life has been incredibly busy lately but the sun is certainly shining over here in Boston this morning.
On to the topic at hand, I find the design+sustainability argument very intriguing. I'm somewhat cynical in that I think design gains the lion's share of its relevance by tackling the ever growing need to differentiate brands, products, and services in order to gain market share, etc. ...inherent in this continual process of "rework" is an unavoidable amount of waste. That said, I think building sustainability concerns into design is a huge step forward. As much as I drool over opening *anything* Apple packages, the company could take innovation a step further and reduce the amount of materials in its product packaging. In short, it should be as simple as not using ten pieces of paper when one will suffice. # posted by Peter Begley: 4/08/2007 12:54:00 PM
Hi Peter! Nice to hear from you. If the sun is there, then I imagine we are heading into the cold months. Time to hop back to the northern hemisphere!
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Even if the venture were not directed at design and made us aware of our own footprint on the planet, I’d say it’s a good thing. I often get concerned about these flash annual reports: a single-pager with a summary pointing at a URL would be perfectly acceptable, in my view; plus, I am sure the financial community that wishes to scrutinize all the tables prefers to do so via computer, just as it does with everything else it encounters in the course of a day’s work. Links to this post:
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