6.2.06 Quick plugs for Ronald Reagan Day
Some quick plugs for today, February 6: since I began blogging here, I’ve met some mighty nice folks. One is Lyn Perry at Bloggin’ Outloud, who has taken it upon himself to organize a blog award. My colleague Stefan Liute was kind enough to blog about me this week, for which I am grateful.
Finally, Stowe Boyd’s /Message blog put me on to Cocomment, which is in beta phase and requires an invitation code. To me it seems to be the sort of service that could bring more blogs together. It essentially harnesses your comments on other blogs and puts them together in one place. Services like Furl and Del.icio.us are still less than attractive graphically, but as blogging evolves it will be interesting to see what else comes up that become the musts of this world. Posted by Jack Yan, 09:57 Comments:
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NoteEntries from 2006 to the end of 2009 were done on the Blogger service. As of January 1, 2010, this blog has shifted to a Wordpress installation, with the latest posts here.With Blogger ceasing to support FTP publishing on May 1, I have decided to turn these older pages in to an archive, so you will no longer be able to enter comments. However, you can comment on entries posted after January 1, 2010. Quick linksAdd feedsIndividual JY&A and Medinge Group blogs+ Previous posts |
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