21.1.06 A hello of sorts
I’ve posted a goodbye of sorts at the Beyond Branding Blog, but there are still a few nip–tucks here.
Stefan Engeseth tells me that on the Apple Macintosh Safari program, the burgundy header above doesn’t show. I have tried a few tricks and it’s everyday HTML as far as I can tell, but if it still doesn’t work, please let me know. Also, I use ligatures in most of my posts. Some Windows systems with TrueType fonts might not display them. I’m on XP and it’s fine to me, but if you’re one of those people who see a blank box in this sentence, please also send me a message. Some of the links to directories, etc. at the bottom right of the page are taken from the Beyond Branding site, but will steadily be replaced by my own. (I implemented them there, anyway!) Finally, if you have stopped by here via Beyond Branding, please leave a comment—I’d like to gauge how well the transition is going and if you’re finding me. Posted by Jack Yan, 22:50 Comments:
I can’t figure it out. If there are any Firefox experts out there, please let me know. The template looks AOK to me, but Firefox appears to be the one browser that won’t display this site properly, on Mac or PC.
Finally, it’s sorted: the colour tags were missing a hash mark. Boy, it’s been a while since I programmed for Mozilla browsers. Now, if only someone could make a Mozilla browser compatible with Adobe Type Manager on a PC—it’s the sole reason I have stayed away from Firefox and Netscape.
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NoteEntries from 2006 to the end of 2009 were done on the Blogger service. As of January 1, 2010, this blog has shifted to a Wordpress installation, with the latest posts here.With Blogger ceasing to support FTP publishing on May 1, I have decided to turn these older pages in to an archive, so you will no longer be able to enter comments. However, you can comment on entries posted after January 1, 2010. Quick linksAdd feedsIndividual JY&A and Medinge Group blogs+ Previous posts |
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