16.3.07 Judge cred
I am getting a lot of questions about how I became a judge for Miss New Zealand (officially Miss Universe New Zealand). Answer: because Val Lott (organizer) asked me. I imagine that being a proprietor of fashion magazines gives me some cred. I also think the fact I am not single—albeit separated by 12,000 miles with the woman I love—means I must know something about broads. I, personally, would like to think the reason is that I have a good appreciation for brands: the winner must exhibit the New Zealand nation brand, be strong at differentiating, communicating and symbolizing herself, and be so confident that she doesn’t fold at the mere sign of Miss Venezuela and her gravity-defying boobs because she knows her own ones are ‘real, and they’re spectacular.’
Posted by Jack Yan, 07:27
Jack, you sell yourself short.
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You're the publisher of New Zealand's only internationally distributed fashion magazine. Umm...Why shouldn't you be a judge of Miss New Zealand? I don't know who the other judges are, but I wonder if their credentials are quite as compelling? # posted by David MacGregor: 3/19/2007 09:26:00 AM
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