3.9.06 Is Google buggered?
I have lost my post on the Ford sale of Aston Martin twice now—because I chose to do a Google search while blogging. (If you ever get to read it, it will be at least the third time I will be entering it from scratch, with the frustration, and lack of purity in tone, that repetition entails.)
I assume that Google has changed its code that renders itself fully incompatible with Maxthon, Internet Explorer and Firefox—all of which I have tried. The result: the browser crashes or hangs when I attempt any search. I shall be interested to hear if anyone else has come across this, which has been happening to me periodically since Friday night New Zealand time, three times during a Skype session to Simon Young, and twice tonight. Posted by Jack Yan, 11:14 Comments:
BlogJet (http://blogjet.com/) is my answer to that. Compose off-line, at leisure, even over several sessions, save whenever you link, hit the button to post. Even if the post process goes wrong thanks to connection or server problems at their end you still have all your work safe n sound ready to hit post again.
There are others like ecto, Microsoft's but whichever you choose they are all better than any browser based editor. # posted by Robin Capper: 9/04/2006 09:10:00 AM
Good idea, Robin—thank you. I would like to use something like that and it beats keying it in Notepad.
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